
Friday Dec 29, 2017
No. 94
Friday Dec 29, 2017
Friday Dec 29, 2017
History is full of the winning combination of comedy duos – Abbott and Costello, Lucy and Desi, French and Saunders – but 2017’s final episode of the Tamper Tantrum Podcast features the irreverent comedy of everyone’s favourite muppet hecklers. No, not Statler and Waldorf – although they do a decent impression – No. 94 features the return of our own, in-house comedy duo: Colin and Steve!
No. 94 is also home to the third annual Tampies, incidentally disguised this year as a 2017 recap and general catch up between Colin and Steve. Again, we won’t give it all away here, but as Jenn wasn’t involved in the recording of this podcast, we’ll let these post-show interjections give you a glimpse of what this episode contains:
- You can find a copy of Meister’s “New York City Coffee: A Caffeinated History” here.
- The name Steve was looking for is that of the incredible Eva Gefvert Nordell at Are Kafferosteri.
- Steve somehow managed to forget Gothenburg (February) and Bristol (August) when he recapped this year.
- GIF wish granted!
- You can watch Colin’s favourite talk of 2017 here (Steve’s is yet to be released).
Of course, that doesn’t even begin to cover it all…! Thanks for joining us on the wild ride that has been 2017, we’ll see you in the new year. x