Monday Sep 05, 2016
No. 62
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
It’s No. 62 and all we can say is “no”—it turns out that putting Colinand Steve in the same room to record a podcast results in an abundance of puns,terrible accents, admissions of man-crushes, interjections of disbelief, andchats covering things here, there, and everywhere. Amidst the increasedsilliness, they wrap up on Steve’s bittersweet time in Bolivia, make a case fora yearly event to bring coffee folk together in Dublin, discuss the merits ofnewer roasting business models, Colin’s goal to gain a stone whilst he’s in NewYork (tweet @dublinbarista with your recommendations!), and dream about openinga tiny little shop in the south of France. Also: football banter, even thoughthey both readily admit that pretty much nobody in coffee likes football.Thanks, guys.