Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Cup North 2015: Banter
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
It’s that time of the year where things ramp up and we all get busy, so we’ll keep this week’s video short and sweet: the wine-in-hand banter session that closed the proceedings of Tamper Tantrum Live at Cup North 2015. The conversation begins at an intersection of coffee and alcohol before continuing on to the challenges of selling good coffee in restaurants (and just plain, good coffee, period), before ending with a quick lesson in the “I want what she’s having” school of sales. At the risk of sounding hokey—oh, who are we kidding?—this short episode is a plate piled high with food for thought!
We loved this year’s Cup North line up so much—coffee throwing included!—that we’ll be back for another go-round this year. Details are still very hush-hush, but you can follow along here and here for more info as it's released.