Monday Apr 11, 2016
CoLab: Paris: "3 in 30: SCAE Research" | Morten Munchow (Coffee Mind)
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Grab your notebooks, kiddos, and get ready to hit the pause button lots! This one is a doozy, cramming three different exciting research projects from Morten Munchow’s CoffeeMind, the University of Copenhagen, and SCAE into 30 minutes: a sensory analysis of coffee brewed with different water, roasting defects, and cappuccino foam analysis.
We love presentations like this: yes, we know that this doesn’t really allow a great researchers to dig deeply into one specific project for hours and hours, but it does raise the profile of this kind of work so that you can follow up directly with Morten and Coffee Mind about whatever you fancy most.
Morten Munchow, founder of CoffeeMind, is a man of many hats: as trainer, consultant, and researcher, Morten can be found at the University of Copenhagen, where he is an external lecturer in the department of food science, at the London School of Coffee, where he has taught coffee roasting since 2007, or hard at work with the SCAE Education and Research committees, where he developed SCAE’s roasting certification system.
Morten has conducted research on cappuccino foam chemistry, processing methods, starter cultures, sensory science, roasting defects, behavioural economics of consumer preferences, and roast degree preferences. He has also regularly consulted with a variety of different sized roasteries around the world, from South Africa to South Korea and Iceland to Kuwait and many more in between.